Back To Nature: Life in Ulleung Island

Already sick of the city? Feeling exhausted from working so hard in the office for what seems like it might go on forever? Just go to Ulleung Island to feel cool breeze on the back of your neck,  the deep blue of sea water and shinning sunlight embracing this land totally like a sparkling pearl in the middle of ocean.

Overall picture of Ulleung do Island

Overall picture of Ulleung do Island

Ulleungdo is a pentagon-shaped island located near Dokdo island of Japan. Like Jeju-do, Ulleung-do came into being from a lot of volcanic eruptions. Its highest peak’s name is Seonginbong Peak, and there is a small village along the coastline on the slope. A majority of islanders make an earning by fishing. Besides, some islanders move up to settle their own farms in the valley and focus on organic farming. Corn, potatoes, wheat and beans are usually grown here, but now mountain plants and medicinal herbs become the primary sources of income for the inhabitants of Ulleung Island. The Ulleung squid is especially famous for it’s outstanding quality. People said that there are no thieves, pollution or snakes on Ulleung Island. Instead, there are many aromatic trees, wind, beautiful women, ocean water and cliffs. My life as a farmer in Ulleung-do Island started in the beginning of April. As a volunteer of WWOOF Worldwide Organization, I spent a week living with a host family in Ulleung-do to stay away from computers, office and endless work tasks that had taken a great toll on my mental state.

I’m taking care of crops in the greenhouse

I’m taking care of crops in the greenhouse

Overall picture of Ulleung do Island

Overall picture of Ulleung do Island

Using the sickle to harvest fresh vegetable – “speciality” of Ulleung-do

Using the sickle to harvest fresh vegetable – “speciality” of Ulleung-do

After a long day of working hard, we sat down, sang together and cheerily enjoyed the majestic beauty of sunset in Ulleung-do. I wish this moment would never end…

After a long day of working hard, we sat down, sang together and cheerily enjoyed the majestic beauty of sunset in Ulleung-do. I wish this moment would never end…

Looking down from a lighthouse. Ulleung-do is wild, superb and breath-taking.

Looking down from a lighthouse. Ulleung-do is wild, superb and breath-taking.

Pine forest in Ulleung-do, where peace lasts eternally

Pine forest in Ulleung-do, where peace lasts eternally

Finally, this is how we discovered Ulleung do in a different style! Lying on the truck’s backward container and rock the tour together!


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