Lessons learnt from Kindergartners

I’ve yet to determine why exactly it is that the kids feel as though their moans of dismay have any sway over what, or the order of, the work I assign them in class. It’s both cute and annoying. “Okay, let’s get out our Practice book—” “No. Workbook.” I am unanimously interrupted by.  No. If

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How Useful Are Foreign Teachers Really?

During the last few years, the number of jobs available for foreign English teachers in Korean public schools has significantly decreased. According to an article on The Korean Observer, the number of foreign teachers has dropped from over 9,000 to 6,785 in three years. Meanwhile jobs at hagwons are becoming more competitive between foreigners. The question is

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Hype of English in Korea

South Korea , a small closeted country , yet technologically advanced and also boasting a highly skilled workforce . The country has long long protected itself from the influences of other cultures and old traditional values ,though superstitions still find an important place in the country’s present  form. When I landed in Korea , I was lost

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