Korean McDonald’s and McDelivery

Being an American living in Korea, finding reasonably priced American food was difficult. I’ve grown up on my mom’s home cooking, so eating spicy food and rice all the time was difficult for me. Eventually I caved from my ‘fast food ban’ and tried the McDonald’s down the street from my University. I’d heard a

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KFC Korean Fried Chicken

Too busy drooling over that picture of 양념치킨 (Yangnyeom Chicken)? Well, get ahold of yourself! 정신차려 (come back to earth), as the Koreans might say! Korean fried chicken is as mouth-wateringly succulent as the photos lead on, so before you run off to pick some up for yourself, do yourself a favour and check out Kimchee

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Dog Soup

I have maintained for a very long time, the best way to experience a culture is through the food.  Like many new travelers, I started off skeptical and apprehensive to try new food.  I distinctively remember the first time I saw an octopus leg in my soup.  I was so angry I was about ready

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The What’s what of Hongdae

So Anyone who has been to Seoul, old or young has been to Hongdae at some stage of their trip and knows the what’s what of Hongdae. It’s a student area for sure but has something for everyone . Clubs, Pubs, Restaurants and even Cat Cafes. You wanna pet some cats while sipping on some

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