Mexican cuisine in Itaewon

As Mexican cuisine is quite exotic in Korea, it definitely cost more to eat Mexican food than Korean food. There are a few restaurants but they are not really worth going to sometimes. For instance, Julio Mexican restaurant in Gangnam is a fancy Mexican restaurant. As for the food, I wouldn’t say the food was

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New Pouch Soju!!

  One of the popular soju brands, ‘Chum churum soju’, is coming out with a new packaging for summer season. Chum churum means ‘like the first time’, which is also interpreted as pure. It is made by a distiller called Lotte Liquor that produces soju as a second largest company in the world. It looks

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New Bus Line for Night Owls

Even though public transportation is pretty accessible in Korea, it is necessary to take a taxi back home after a night out, especially on fire Friday ´Bulgeum´ (불금)! Buses stop running between midnight and 5 am, which makes it a little difficult for night owls. I remember staying up at a Burger king once because

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The Dreadful Jangma Season

Once again it is the season of rain and wind, the Jangma season. Every year during late June through July, the most annoying Jangma season (known as rainy season or monsoon season by Koreans) will be visiting South Korea with lots of rain and wind, where it may cause some places to flood due to heavy

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Top summer food in Korea

Summer is just around the corner in Seoul where the heat will be scorching and people will start flocking around beaches to cool their body heats. During this hot and humid weather, what are the few foods that you should enjoy to keep the heat down as well as help to strengthen your body metabolism?

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