10th Taebaek Sunflower Festival
Spring gracefully comes to an end, The cherry blossoms have withered and it is time for the hot sun to scorch high up in the sky, as well as the season of summer plants and flowers to bloom.
Bring yourself to the outskirts of the city, head on to Gangwon-do’s Guwau Village (Alpine Botanical Garden) at Taebaek-si (city) this 25th July ~ 16th August 2014 to visit the 10th Taebaek Sunflower Festival. Guwau Village is located below Pijae Hill (also called Samsuryeong) at the entrance to Maebongsan Mountain, located 800-900 meters above sea level.
The 59.9-hectare farm is known to have the largest pool of sunflowers where it will be surrounded by endless fields of vivid yellow, fully bloomed sunflowers alongside 300 different species of wild flowers stretching up high towards the sun which seems to be longing for more sunlight. Get ready to be engulfed by the nature, as well as the beautiful scenery and lovely scents of the flowers.
Don’t forget to bring along your camera to take pictures of them. Other than the sea of flowers, the festival is said to also include exhibitions such as about Taebaek history as a former coal mining town, an outdoor sculpture exhibit, a wild grass fermentation activity and tree house programs.
Admission fees are 5,000 won for adults while 3,000 for teenagers and kids. For more information, you can visit their website (Korean only though).
You can easily get there by the following ways.
[By Intercity Bus]
From Dong Seoul Bus Terminal, take an intercity bus to Taebaek Terminal.
* Bus Schedule: 06:00-23:00, 30min intervals / Travel time: 3hrs, 10min
From Taebaek Terminal, take a taxi to Highlands Botanical Garden (고원자생식물원).
[By Train]
From Seoul Station to Taebaek Station (Estimated travel time: 4 hr)
Check out www.korail.com for train schedules
From Taebaek Station, take Bus #13 and get off at Korea Water Resources Corporation (수자원공사) bus stop.
Highlands Botanical Garden is about a 7 min walk from the bus stop
Enjoy your beautiful day with these lively flowers!