public transportation in Korea

“Public Transportation in Korea: Tips for Newcomers”

Navigating public transportation in Korea can be a daunting task for newcomers, but it is also one of the most efficient and inexpensive ways to get around. From the bustling streets of Seoul to the serene ferry rides to Jeju Island, Korea offers a variety of transportation options that cater to both locals and tourists. This guide aims to provide you with essential tips and insights to make your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Key Takeaways

  • Public transportation in Korea is both efficient and inexpensive, making it a convenient option for travelers.
  • Understanding the Seoul subway map and using T-Money cards can significantly ease your commute.
  • Different types of buses serve various purposes, from city buses to super express buses, all known for their punctuality and courtesy.
  • Taxis are more expensive than other forms of public transportation but offer a convenient alternative for short trips.
  • Essential apps like Kakao, Naver, and Waze can help you navigate Korea’s public transportation system with ease.

Navigating the Seoul Subway System

The Seoul subway system can seem complex and confusing to newcomers. However, with a bit of guidance, you’ll be well on your way to your first successful subway ride in Seoul. Understanding how the Seoul subway system works is crucial for a smooth experience. When you’re in a subway station, head over to any ticket vending machine and follow the on-screen prompts (i.e., English menu, single-journey ticket, etc.).

Mastering the Bus System

Navigating the bus system in Korea is a breeze once you understand the different types of buses available. Korea has several different types of buses, including city buses, regional buses, and super express buses. Each type serves a unique purpose, ensuring you can get to your destination efficiently.

Types of Buses

  • City Buses: These are the most common and operate within city limits. They are known for their punctuality and cleanliness.
  • Regional Buses: These buses connect different cities and towns, offering a convenient way to travel longer distances.
  • Super Express Buses: These are the fastest and most comfortable option for long-distance travel, often equipped with amenities like Wi-Fi and reclining seats.

Buying Bus Tickets

Purchasing bus tickets in Korea is straightforward. You can buy tickets at bus terminals, convenience stores, or even online. Many buses also accept T-Money cards, which are a must-have for any traveler in Korea. These cards allow you to pay for the metro system or bus system seamlessly.

Bus Etiquette

Korean bus drivers are known for their courtesy and professionalism. However, it’s essential to follow some basic etiquette rules:

  1. Board and exit the bus quickly to avoid delays.
  2. Give up your seat to elderly passengers, pregnant women, and people with disabilities.
  3. Keep noise levels down to maintain a peaceful environment for all passengers.

You’ll be surprised at the punctuality and courtesy of the drivers. This level of service is something you might not expect if you’re used to public transportation in other countries.

By understanding these basics, you’ll find that traveling by bus in Korea is not only convenient but also a pleasant experience.

Taking Taxis in Korea

Hailing a Taxi

In Korea, hailing a taxi is straightforward. You can either flag one down on the street or use a taxi-hailing app. General Taxis are the most common and are usually orange in Seoul, while in other cities, they might be silver or white. It’s important to note that taxi drivers may not always speak English, so having your destination written in Korean can be very helpful.

Taxi Fares and Payment

Taxi fares in Korea are relatively affordable compared to other major cities around the world. However, the starting fee is higher at night, and the meter runs up quicker. You can pay using cash, credit card, or a T-Money card. It’s also worth noting that discriminating against foreign customers is illegal, and you should report any driver who refuses service or overcharges you.

Safety Tips

While taxis are generally safe, it’s always good to be cautious. Make sure to note the taxi’s license plate number and the driver’s ID, which should be displayed on the dashboard. If you ever feel uncomfortable, you can ask the driver to stop and get out at a safe location. Additionally, using a taxi-hailing app can provide an extra layer of security as the ride is tracked.

Taxis are a convenient option, especially at night when public transportation is not available. Knowing the different types of taxis and being aware of the fare structure can make your ride smoother and more enjoyable.

Traveling by Train

Korean train station

Types of Trains

Korea offers a variety of trains to suit different travel needs. The KTX (Korea Train Express) is the high-speed option, perfect for long-distance travel between major cities. For a more scenic travel experience, consider the ITX or Mugunghwa trains, which are slower but offer beautiful views of the countryside.

Booking Train Tickets

You can book train tickets in advance through apps like or Alternatively, tickets can be purchased at the station. To avoid the peak times, try to book your travel outside of rush hours. Departing before 8 AM can allow you to take a less crowded train.

Onboard Facilities

Korean trains are equipped with various facilities to make your journey comfortable. Most trains offer free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and clean restrooms. Some even have snack bars and vending machines. For a more enjoyable experience, consider bringing a book or some music to pass the time.

Train rides offer scenic travel experiences in Korea, making them a popular choice for both locals and tourists.

Exploring Ferry Services

Popular Ferry Routes

The coasts of southern and western Korea are dotted with numerous offshore islands that can only be accessed by ferry. Two particularly popular destinations are Jeju and Ulleung islands. These islands can be reached from major cities like Incheon, Mokpo, Pohang, and Busan. Ferry travel offers a unique way to explore these beautiful islands and enjoy the scenic views along the way.

Booking Ferry Tickets

Booking ferry tickets in Korea is relatively straightforward. Tickets can be purchased online or at the ferry terminal. It’s advisable to book in advance, especially during peak travel seasons like summer and holidays. Many ferry operators offer both economy and premium seating options, catering to different budgets and preferences.

Onboard Experience

Ferries in Korea are equipped with various amenities to ensure a comfortable journey. Passengers can enjoy facilities such as common areas, dining options, and even private cabins on longer routes. The onboard experience is designed to be relaxing and enjoyable, making the ferry ride a memorable part of your trip. Budget-friendly stays are also available near ferry terminals, like the oneway guesthouse in Busan, which offers affordable comfort with facilities like a common area and laundry service.

Essential Apps for Public Transportation


Kakao is an indispensable app for anyone navigating public transportation in Korea. KakaoTalk is widely used for communication, but KakaoMap and KakaoTaxi are equally essential. KakaoMap provides detailed maps and directions, while KakaoTaxi allows you to easily hail a taxi. This app is a must-have for both locals and newcomers.


Naver Map is another excellent tool for getting around. It offers comprehensive maps and real-time navigation, making it easier to find your way in unfamiliar areas. The app is particularly useful for finding public transportation routes and schedules. Naver also provides information on nearby amenities, which can be incredibly helpful when you’re on the go.


Waze is best known for its real-time traffic updates and route planning. While it’s more commonly used for driving, it can also be useful for understanding traffic conditions that may affect bus and taxi travel. The app’s community-driven data ensures that you get the most accurate and up-to-date information.

For anyone new to Korea, these apps are essential tools that make navigating the country’s public transportation system much easier. They help you plan your routes, avoid delays, and ensure a smoother travel experience.

Public Transportation Etiquette

Giving Up Seats

In Korea, it’s customary to give up your seat to the elderly, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. Be considerate and always be on the lookout for someone who might need your seat more than you do. This small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day.

Quiet Zones

Public transportation in Korea is generally quiet. Passengers are expected to keep conversations to a minimum and use headphones when listening to music or watching videos. Respecting others’ need for a peaceful commute is highly valued.

Handling Luggage

When traveling with luggage, make sure it doesn’t obstruct the aisle or take up extra seats. A compact bag that can carry your essentials makes commuting much easier. Be mindful of other passengers and ensure your belongings are not in their way.

Politeness and consideration for others are key aspects of using public transportation in Korea. Avoid pushing or shoving, try to be as quiet as possible, and respect others’ personal space.


Navigating public transportation in Korea may initially seem daunting, but with a bit of preparation and the right information, it becomes an efficient and even enjoyable experience. From the extensive subway system in Seoul to the punctual and clean buses, and the high-speed trains connecting major cities, Korea offers a variety of convenient and affordable options for getting around. By familiarizing yourself with the basics and utilizing available resources, you can confidently explore all that Korea has to offer. Whether you’re a tourist or a new resident, embracing public transportation will enhance your experience and help you make the most of your time in this vibrant country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is public transportation in Korea expensive?

No, public transportation in Korea is generally inexpensive. A one-way commuting ticket costs around 1,250 won, with the fee increasing depending on the distance traveled, but usually not exceeding 1,550 won within Seoul.

What is the best way to navigate the Seoul subway system?

The Seoul subway system can seem complex to newcomers, but using apps like Kakao, Naver, or Waze can help you navigate the system efficiently. Additionally, taking Line 2 will get you to most popular tourist destinations.

Can I transfer between buses and subways for free?

Yes, you can transfer between buses and subways for free within 30 minutes of exiting the previous mode of public transportation.

Are taxis expensive in Korea?

Taxis in Korea are more expensive than buses and trains, but they are still relatively affordable compared to other countries. They are a convenient option if you need direct transportation.

How do I pay for public transportation in Korea?

You can use a T-Money card to pay for buses, subways, and even some taxis. These cards can be purchased and recharged at convenience stores like GS25 and CU.

Is it safe to use public transportation in Korea?

Yes, Korea is considered one of the safest countries in the world, and its public transportation system is reliable and secure.

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