friends in Korea

“Making Friends in Korea: Tips for Building a Social Network”

Making friends in a new country can be both exciting and challenging. South Korea, with its rich culture and welcoming people, offers numerous opportunities for building a social network. Whether you’re an expat, a student, or just visiting, understanding the local customs and actively participating in community activities can help you forge meaningful connections. Here are some essential tips to help you make friends and feel at home in Korea.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding and respecting Korean culture is crucial for building strong relationships.
  • Joining local communities, such as expat groups and hobby classes, can help you meet like-minded people.
  • Utilizing social media and apps is a great way to connect with both locals and other expats.
  • Engaging in Korea’s food and drink culture provides a relaxed environment to bond with new friends.
  • Participating in outdoor activities and professional networks can expand your social circle and create lasting friendships.

Understanding Korean Culture

Before diving into making friends, it’s crucial to grasp the basics of Korean culture. This understanding will help you connect with locals and show respect. Here are some key cultural insights:

Respecting Social Hierarchies

Korean culture places a strong emphasis on age and social status. When meeting people, it’s common to ask about age to establish a hierarchy, which determines how you will speak to each other. Politeness is highly valued in Korea, and using polite language can go a long way in making a good impression.

Learning Basic Korean Phrases

Expressing genuine interest in the Korean language and culture can be a great icebreaker. Even learning a few basic phrases can show your willingness to integrate and respect the local culture.

Participating in Cultural Traditions

Koreans often enjoy socializing in groups, and activities are usually planned with everyone’s involvement. Embracing this aspect of the culture can help you integrate more smoothly. Participating in local traditions and festivals can also provide a deeper understanding of the culture.

Joining Local Communities

people joining local community in Korea

Joining local communities in Korea can be a rewarding way to build a social network and feel more integrated into your new environment. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Expat Groups and Clubs

Expat groups and clubs are a great way to meet people who are in a similar situation as you. These groups often organize social events, outings, and activities that can help you make friends and feel more at home. Maximize savings in Korea by building ‘jeong’ with local businesses. Establish genuine connections for mutual benefits like freebies, discounts, and friendships. Small gestures go a long way.

Local Hobby Classes

Participating in local hobby classes is another excellent way to meet people with similar interests. Whether it’s cooking, painting, or martial arts, these classes provide a relaxed environment where you can interact with others and build lasting friendships. Remember, you likely joined such communities to make friends and find support. Approach others in the groups with the same care and support that you seek to find in return.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a fantastic way to give back to the community while also meeting new people. Many organizations in Korea welcome volunteers, and this can be a great way to integrate into the local culture. Make sure that you are contributing to the community by commenting, sharing information that’s on topic, and communicating in a way that adds value to the community.

Becoming a community leader can also be a fulfilling way to build your social network. If you don’t see something you love, create a group focused on the hobby of your choice and let others know! Even as an immigrant or a new ex-pat, you have the right to take up space.

Using Social Media and Apps

Popular Social Media Platforms

South Korea is a tech-savvy nation, and social media is a significant part of daily life. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are widely used. Having a presence on these platforms can help you connect with locals and other expats. You can even start building your network before arriving by joining relevant groups and communities.

Friendship and Language Exchange Apps

There are numerous apps designed to foster friendships and facilitate language exchange. Apps like HelloTalk and Meetup are popular choices. These platforms allow you to meet people with similar interests and practice your language skills. HelloTalk is particularly useful for those looking to improve their Korean while making new friends.

Online Communities and Forums

Online communities and forums are excellent resources for meeting people and getting advice. Websites like ya!korea offer a blend of traditional and modern Korean experiences, featuring popular K-pop groups like Twice, EXO, and ITZY. These platforms often have sections dedicated to expats, where you can find tips, events, and meetups.

Engaging with online communities can provide valuable insights and help you feel more connected to your new environment.

Engaging in Food and Drink Culture

Exploring the food and drink culture in Korea is a delightful way to immerse yourself in the local lifestyle and make new friends. Korean cuisine is renowned for its rich flavors and communal dining experiences, which can serve as excellent opportunities to bond with locals and fellow expats.

Korean BBQ and Dining Etiquette

Korean BBQ is a must-try experience. When dining, it’s important to respect local customs, such as waiting for the eldest to start eating and using both hands when receiving drinks. These small gestures can go a long way in showing respect and building rapport.

Cafes and Tea Houses

Korea boasts a vibrant cafe culture, with countless unique and themed cafes to explore. Whether you’re into specialty coffee or traditional tea, visiting these spots can be a great way to meet people and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere.

Traditional Markets and Street Food

Traditional markets are treasure troves of Korean street food. From tteokbokki to hotteok, these markets offer a variety of delicious snacks. Exploring these markets not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a chance to interact with vendors and other food enthusiasts.

Participating in food tours can be an excellent way to discover amazing dishes and connect with other foodies. It’s a fun and social way to dive into Korean cuisine.

Participating in Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities is a fantastic way to build a social network in Korea. Whether you’re into hiking, sports, or festivals, there’s something for everyone to enjoy while making new friends.

Hiking and Nature Trails

Hiking might be Korea’s national sport. In fact, if you aren’t hiking, do you really live in Korea? There are easy and hard routes for everyone. Hiking communities also love to have meetups!

Sports and Fitness Groups

For those who like to follow professional sports, baseball and soccer are popular in Korea for both players and fans. The K League (Korea Professional Football League) and the KBO (Korean Baseball Organization) both have a national fan base that gathers at the local stadium to attend games. Joining an amateur sports team is another great way to make friends, and there are a lot of options in Korea!

Seasonal Festivals and Events

Korea hosts a variety of seasonal festivals and events throughout the year. From cherry blossom festivals in the spring to lantern festivals in the fall, these events are perfect for socializing and experiencing Korean culture firsthand. Participating in these events can help you meet new people and create lasting memories.

Navigating Professional Networks

Attending Networking Events

If you’re in South Korea for work, professional networking events can be a dual opportunity to advance your career and make friends. These events often feature industry leaders and provide a platform for meaningful interactions. Attending these events can significantly broaden your professional circle.

Joining Professional Associations

Becoming a member of professional associations related to your field can offer numerous benefits. These organizations often host seminars, workshops, and social gatherings, making it easier to connect with peers. Membership can also provide access to exclusive resources and job opportunities.

Leveraging Workplace Connections

Your workplace is a valuable resource for building a social network. Engage with colleagues during and after work hours to foster relationships. Participating in team-building activities and company events can also help you integrate more smoothly into the local work culture.

Building a professional network in Korea requires a proactive approach. By attending events, joining associations, and leveraging workplace connections, you can navigate the professional landscape with greater ease.

Embracing Language Exchange

Language Exchange Meetups

Participating in language exchange meetups, known as 언어모임 (eoneomoim), is a fantastic way to improve your Korean while making new friends. These meetups often involve teaching English and learning Korean, creating a mutually beneficial environment. Some popular groups in Seoul include Languagecast, Danny’s Party, and Global Seoul Mates. Engaging in these meetups not only enhances your language skills but also helps you connect with people who share similar interests.

Tandem Language Learning

Tandem language learning involves pairing up with a native Korean speaker who wants to learn English. This one-on-one approach allows for personalized learning and deeper cultural exchange. You can meet at a cafe or any comfortable place to practice. This method is highly effective as it provides real-life conversational practice and immediate feedback.

Online Language Partners

If in-person meetups are not feasible, consider finding online language partners. Numerous platforms and apps facilitate language exchange through video calls, chat, and other interactive methods. This option offers flexibility and the opportunity to connect with people from different regions of Korea. It’s a great way to practice consistently and make friends from the comfort of your home.


Making friends in Korea can be a rewarding and enriching experience, offering you the chance to build meaningful relationships and immerse yourself in a vibrant culture. By leveraging social media, joining expat communities, participating in local activities, and embracing the local culture, you can create a diverse and supportive social network. Remember to stay open-minded, respectful, and proactive in your efforts. Whether you’re in Korea for work, study, or travel, these tips will help you connect with both expats and native Koreans alike. So get out there, face your fears, and start building your community. You got this!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some basic Korean phrases that can help me make friends?

Learning basic Korean phrases such as greetings, thank you, and simple questions can help break the ice and show your interest in Korean culture.

Are there specific social media platforms popular in Korea for making friends?

Yes, platforms like KakaoTalk, Instagram, and Naver Cafe are widely used in Korea for social networking and making new friends.

What are some expat groups or clubs I can join in Korea?

Many cities in Korea have expat communities on Facebook, Meetup, and InterNations where you can join various interest-based groups and events.

How important is it to understand Korean dining etiquette?

Understanding Korean dining etiquette is very important as it shows respect for the culture and can help you make a positive impression when dining with Korean friends.

Are there any apps specifically for language exchange in Korea?

Yes, apps like HelloTalk, Tandem, and Meetup are popular for language exchange and can help you find language partners to practice Korean and make friends.

What outdoor activities are popular in Korea for socializing?

Hiking, joining sports and fitness groups, and participating in seasonal festivals are popular outdoor activities in Korea that provide great opportunities for socializing.

Culture, Living, Studying

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