Knowing the Norm of Korea
There are different cultures in different countries naturally, not to mention the various backgrounds in each and every human being. Korea has been developing into a advanced country at a considerably fast pace, so what are the few etiquette or cultures which arises in the community?
1. Discount coupons for foreign visitors. To promote Seoul/Korea tourism, the government is working to make the country into a visitor friendly country. Unlike many countries that would increase the prices or fees towards foreigners, Korea in the other hand, provided many discount coupons or vouchers which are available for download online. Visit some of the website below and print out the vouchers, with a valid foreign passport, you might find yourself more great deals or discounted entrance fees with ease! a) Visit Korea Committee website b) Visit Korea Tourism website
2. Trash can be a dilemma. Although it is said that the country caters the need of the visitors well, however, there is one thing that I find it inconvenient or less-visitor friendly while I was in Seoul, which is the lack of trash cans on the streets. Maybe the government wanted to make the streets clean, therefore only allocate them in some places, but it is really inconvenient for visitors especially those who travel there the first time without knowing about it. I ended up holding my rubbish and leftovers walking around the city. It would be much much easier if the government could provide a little more trash cans in popular tourist sites. Just a small tip for those who are visiting for the first time, trash cans can be found in the subway stations. Just head to the subway stations and you will be able to find one. Or you could find one in the toilet too.
3. Squatty bowls
Most of the toilets in Seoul are sitting toilets. But in some area, it might be rare, you will somehow still find squatting toilets instead. Though foreigners might be not used with this type of toilets, but Koreans and some Asians themselves have used squatty toilets since young.
4. Koreans are not kpop frenzies It is true that Korea is famous for Kpop and Hallyu wave, but do you know that the locals aren’t so crazy about kpop groups? Maybe there are some fans, but as far as I know, many locals seldom talk about kpop. Koreans are mostly moving towards the Western cultures, English songs, fashion and they study really hard for English language (though they also study hard in everything).
5. Subway and the pushing style
Seoul subway systems are very advanced as it connects to most parts of the city which might be one of the reasons why people prefer to take the subway (or buses) in their everyday life. Whether it’s the young or the elderly, you won’t fail to see them riding the subway train. However, sometimes I felt a little annoyed as the locals are fond of pushing from behind or squeezing themselves through the crowd without saying a word. I was surprised when someone did that from behind, and later I get to know that it’s one of their norms or maybe it is just their “bbali bbali” culture which leads to this. A useful tip, always stand on the right side of the escalator if you don’t want any further shouting or pushing from the people. Have you ever been to Korea? Do you also find out about this when you were there?