expat feeling homesick in Korea

“Handling Homesickness: Tips for Expats in Korea”

Homesickness is a common and often challenging experience for many expats living in Korea. The longing for familiar surroundings, loved ones, and the comfort of home can be overwhelming. However, there are several effective strategies that can help alleviate these feelings and make your time in Korea more enjoyable and fulfilling. This article provides practical tips and advice to help expats handle homesickness while embracing their new life in Korea.

Key Takeaways

  • Building a strong support network by connecting with fellow expats and joining local clubs can significantly reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Embracing Korean culture through learning the language, exploring local cuisine, and participating in cultural events can enhance your sense of belonging.
  • Staying connected with family and friends back home through regular video calls and care packages can provide emotional support.
  • Creating a comfortable living space with personal touches and familiar items can make your new environment feel more like home.
  • Taking care of your mental health by seeking professional help, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in physical activities is crucial for overall well-being.

Building a Support Network

Creating a strong support network is crucial for expats adjusting to life in Korea. Don’t underestimate the importance of having a support network both back home and in your new environment. Humans are social creatures and need interaction to thrive. Here are some ways to build that network effectively:

Connecting with Fellow Expats

Connecting with other expats can provide a sense of community and shared understanding. Many expats find that they have more time and resources to explore new opportunities. Look for expat networking sites like Internations and 3Plus, which can help you connect with mentors and other professionals around the world.

Joining Local Clubs and Organizations

Joining local clubs and organizations is a great way to meet new people and integrate into the community. Whether it’s a sports club, a book club, or a volunteer organization, these groups can offer both social interaction and a sense of belonging.

Utilizing Online Communities

In the digital age, your support network can extend far beyond your immediate surroundings. Utilize online communities to stay connected with people from all over the globe. These platforms can be invaluable for finding advice, sharing experiences, and even making new friends.

Embracing Korean Culture

Learning the Language

Learning Korean can be a gateway to deeper connections and understanding. It not only helps in daily interactions but also allows you to appreciate the nuances of Korean culture. Consider joining language classes or using language apps to get started.

Exploring Local Cuisine

Dive into the rich and diverse world of Korean cuisine. From street food to traditional dishes, there’s always something new to try. Don’t hesitate to ask locals for recommendations or even take a cooking class to learn how to make your favorite Korean dishes at home.

Participating in Cultural Events

Korea offers a plethora of cultural events throughout the year, from festivals to traditional performances. Participating in these events can provide a deeper appreciation of the culture and help you feel more connected to your new home. Keep an eye out for local event listings and make it a point to attend whenever possible.

Staying Connected with Home

Regular Video Calls with Family and Friends

Maintaining regular video calls with family and friends is essential for expats. Staying connected through these calls can help bridge the distance and provide emotional support. However, it’s important to find a balance and not let these calls dominate your time, as it might make the distance feel even more pronounced.

Sending and Receiving Care Packages

Sending and receiving care packages can be a comforting way to stay connected with home. These packages can include favorite snacks, personal items, or even letters. They serve as a tangible reminder of home and can bring a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Following News from Home

Keeping up with news from home can help you feel more connected and informed about what’s happening in your home country. This can be done through online news portals, social media, or even subscribing to newsletters. Staying updated can make you feel less isolated and more in touch with your roots.

Remember, while it’s important to stay connected with home, it’s equally crucial to embrace your new surroundings and enjoy new experiences in Korea.

Creating a Comfortable Living Space

expat comfortable home Korea

Making your living space in Korea feel like home is essential for your well-being. Personalizing your home with items that reflect your personality can make a significant difference. This could include photos, artwork, or even furniture arrangements that remind you of home. By making your home both functionally comfortable and an aesthetic reflection of you, it’s easier to get into the other habits of maintaining local friends, joining social clubs, and pursuing hobbies.

Finding comfort in familiar items can also help. This might mean streaming your favorite bands from college days, snuggling up on the sofa with your favorite quilt, or looking at old pictures. By stimulating the senses in a deliberately familiar way so that it feels like home, you can often increase your mood and satisfaction levels.

Setting up a routine is another crucial step. Having a daily or weekly schedule can provide a sense of normalcy and stability. This could include regular activities like exercise, cooking, or even a weekly call with family back home. By establishing a routine, you create a sense of order and predictability in your new environment.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Seeking Professional Help

When living abroad, it’s crucial to recognize when you need professional assistance. Seeking help from a mental health professional can provide you with the tools and support necessary to navigate the challenges of expat life. Korea offers a range of mental health services, including English-speaking therapists and counselors.

Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

Incorporating mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine can significantly improve your mental well-being. These practices help you stay present and reduce stress. Consider joining a local meditation group or using online resources to guide your practice.

Engaging in Physical Activities

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help combat feelings of homesickness and depression. Whether it’s joining a gym, taking up a new sport, or simply going for a walk, staying active is key to feeling your best.

Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. Prioritize self-care and seek support when needed.

Exploring Korea

Traveling to Different Regions

One of the best ways to truly understand Korea is by traveling to its various regions. From the bustling streets of Seoul to the serene landscapes of Jeju Island, each area offers a unique experience. Exploring different parts of the country can help you appreciate the diversity and beauty of Korea.

Visiting Historical Sites

Korea is rich in history, and visiting its historical sites can be a deeply enriching experience. Places like Gyeongbokgung Palace and the ancient city of Gyeongju offer a glimpse into Korea’s past. These sites are not just tourist attractions but also a way to connect with the cultural heritage of the country.

Enjoying Nature and Outdoor Activities

For those who love the outdoors, Korea has plenty to offer. From hiking in the mountains to relaxing on the beaches, there are numerous ways to enjoy nature. Engaging in outdoor activities can be a great way to relieve stress and feel more connected to your new environment.

Embracing the natural beauty and historical richness of Korea can make your stay more fulfilling and help you feel more at home.

Finding Hobbies and Interests

Taking Up a New Hobby

For those thinking, "I don’t have any hobbies," trying something new can be a revelation. You might discover a natural talent for a sport, art, poetry, or language that you never knew you had. Pick something that intrigues you and look for a community dedicated to it. Interested in KPOP? Check if there’s an expat group for it – you’ll meet new people who share your interests.

Joining Interest-Based Groups

When Dorothy Dalton, a Brussels-based career transition coach, made her first move abroad, she found herself feeling isolated, so she threw herself into playing squash. Not exactly sure what to do? Sign up for a class or find a Meetup group to continue a hobby or activity you love. Indulge an interest you never pursued back home, too. It’ll create a win-win situation: You are doing something you enjoy and, as Dalton found, you end up meeting people with similar interests.

Attending Workshops and Classes

Trying pursuits such as taekwondo or calligraphy will bring you in closer contact with the culture as well as the locals. People often stress the importance of joining groups ― whether it’s an expat soccer team or a book club in English, take initiative and sniff out organizations where you can meet like-minded people. Read the English newspapers, magazine and web sites geared toward expats and find out what is happening around town that you might be interested in.


Homesickness is a natural part of the expat experience, especially in a country as unique and culturally rich as Korea. While it may never fully disappear, the strategies discussed in this article can help you manage and alleviate the intensity of these feelings. By joining local groups, staying connected with loved ones back home, and seeking professional help when needed, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life abroad. Remember, it’s okay to feel homesick, and taking proactive steps can make your time in Korea more enjoyable and less isolating.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I connect with fellow expats in Korea?

You can connect with fellow expats by joining online communities, attending local events, and participating in expat groups on social media platforms.

What are some ways to embrace Korean culture?

Embrace Korean culture by learning the language, exploring local cuisine, and participating in cultural events and festivals.

How can I stay connected with family and friends back home?

Stay connected by scheduling regular video calls, sending and receiving care packages, and keeping up with news from home.

What are some tips for creating a comfortable living space in Korea?

Personalize your home with familiar items, set up a routine, and create a cozy environment that makes you feel at ease.

How can I take care of my mental health while living in Korea?

Take care of your mental health by seeking professional help if needed, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and engaging in physical activities.

What are some activities to explore in Korea?

Explore Korea by traveling to different regions, visiting historical sites, and enjoying nature and outdoor activities.

Culture, Living, Studying

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