F-3 Dependent Family Visa for Korea
F-3 visa is for accompanying spouse or child (under the age of 18) of people who are in Korea under D-1 (artist) to an E-7 (Specially Designated Profession) visa.
You are eligible to apply for an F-3 visa If you are an accompanying member of family – A spouse or an unmarried minor of a D-1 to an E-7 visa holder. However, depends of applicants under D-3 (Industrial Trainee) visas are not included.
Maximum Length Of Stay
It is the same as the person whom you are accompanying. In cases where the primary applicant extends his/her contract, the dependents are allowed to extend their visa as well. For example, if you are accompanying a spouse who is on an E-2 visa and your spouse re-signs for another year, you are eligible to get an extension for another year on your F-3 visa.
Required Documents
- Application for the visa issuance/Visa Application Form
- Passport
- One passport size colored photograph
- Application fee
Additional Documents
- Documents proving the family relations – Marriage Certificate/Birth Certificate for children
- A copy of the front and back of the primary visa holders Alien Card
- Proof of the Primary visa holders visa (i.e. Visa Issuance Number or the work contract)
- Documents supporting your financial ability
A single entry visa valid for one year or less will be issued to a spouse or an unmarried minor (under Korean age 19) of eligible applicants. Accompanying visas(F-3) will be issued for dependents of D-5 visa, only if the D-5 visa holders have set up a branch office or a local station in the Republic of Korea.
Visa Extension
When applying for an visa extension you will need:
- Visa Application Form
- Passport
- Alien Registration Card
- Application Fee
- Proof of residency (Acceptable documents for proof of residency are Lease contract, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill etc.)
- Alien registration card
Re-entry Permit
On December 1st, 2010 the immigration enacted the ‘Re-entry permission exemption scheme’. So now, If you have completed your alien registration, and you want to re-enter the Republic of Korea within a year from your initial departure, a re-entry permission will be exempted. Also, If you have an alien registration card then you are exempted from re-entry permission within the period of stay that is left on the card.
I highly recommend that you call your local immigration office before your departure and confirm that you do not need a re-entry permit.
In case you have to apply for re-entry, you will need:
- Application Form
- Passport
- Alien Registration Card
You can either apply for it online at www.hikorea.go.kr or go to your nearest immigration office to apply in person.
According to the information available on the immigration website and on the net, recently the laws regarding the F-3 visa holders were changed. Now F-3 visa holders can work and change their visa status if they meet the required criteria. However, the information can be a bit confusing and the final decision regarding these matters is at the discretion of the immigration office. I advice calling your local immigration office and confirming if you are eligible and what documents are required.
You can visit www.hikorea.go.kr or you can call Immigration Helpline at 1345 which provides customer service in English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. The staff is friendly and can answer most of your questions or can help you to find out where to get help for more complex issues.