Enjoying the food of Chuseok
In kitchens the country over, families assemble to make conventional Korean dishes for Chuseok, one of South Korea’s biggest yearly occasions. This Sunday, family units will be occupied with creating songpyeon, half-moon-formed rice cakes, and different delights to present to precursors in energy about a decent gather this advancing Monday morning. Those stately tables, stacked to blasting with precisely arranged sustenance, will shift from home to home, serving as palatable images of the foodways of every family, of the places where they grew up and territories of beginning.
The local differing qualities of Korean food assumes no little part in impacting what sustenance is put on the stately table. From Gyeonggi Province and Seoul to Gangwon Province; the Chungcheong, Jeolla and Gyeongsang territories; and Jejudo Island, families will be paying tribute to their own territorial culinary customs by presenting the food of their origination to their progenitors. In Seoul, as indicated by 9spices CEO and Ssalgage holder gourmet expert Hong Shin-ae, meat-based dishes take up a great deal of space on the Chuseok table.
In kitchens the country over, families assemble to make conventional Korean dishes for Chuseok, one of South Korea’s biggest yearly occasions. This Sunday, family units will be occupied with creating songpyeon, half-moon-formed rice cakes, and different delights to present to precursors in energy about a decent gather this advancing Monday morning. Those stately tables, stacked to blasting with precisely arranged sustenance, will shift from home to home, serving as palatable images of the foodways of every family, of the places where they grew up and territories of beginning.
The local differing qualities of Korean food assumes no little part in impacting what sustenance is put on the stately table. From Gyeonggi Province and Seoul to Gangwon Province; the Chungcheong, Jeolla and Gyeongsang territories; and Jejudo Island, families will be paying tribute to their own territorial culinary customs by presenting the food of their origination to their progenitors. In Seoul, as indicated by 9spices CEO and Ssalgage holder gourmet expert Hong Shin-ae, meat-based dishes take up a great deal of space on the Chuseok table.
Le Chamber co-manager barkeep Lim Jae-jin, who was conceived in North Jeolla Province’s Gochang County, affirmed this, expressing, “I accept that a prepared skate dish is dependably put on the formal table.” The star mixologist reviews the matured skate stew that his mother would make for Chuseok. While provincial traditions impact how every family unit plans for Chuseok, family conventions assume a key part in the experience, as indicated by Sin, who uncovered that his family puts tea rather than the standard wine on the stylized table.
Images from Asiasociety, Nbc and Wikipedia