About ethne education

We aim to train international business experts, teaching essential global business language, culture, manners in the most efficient method while taking into account of the condition of companies.

We plan training programs based on the language and field each corporation desires and dispatch expert instructors.

Your coordinator in charge will take care of all the matters concerning the classes in place of personnel management and will send in reports.

  • Easy teaching job for 20times 1,600K(dae-gu)

    ethne education Classes are custom made based on the student’s purpose, goal, level and personnel and proceeded in maximized efficiency. Travel time is saved since instructors visit your company in person Our instructors hold at least 3 years or more of experience in their field Provides various programs including general speaking, exam preparation, debating etc. besides business English Close management on attendance, assessment, satisfaction by an arranged coordinator in charge Flexible use available adjusted to the corporate training budget
    • Part Time
    • Posted 2 years ago