C-4 Visa Short term/Temporary employment
This visa is for individuals who are looking for temporary work, which lasts for less than 90 days.
You are eligible to apply for a C-4 visa if:
~ you are a creative artists such as composer, painter, sculptor, craftsmen, writer or photographer and are seeking to make profit from performance of music, fine arts, literature, etc.
~ your direct activities related to music, fine arts, literature, musical performance, dance, movie, or others of the like. For example, manager of professional sports team or the conductor of an orchestra.
~ you are seeking to make profit through performing arts such as entertainment, music, play, sports, advertisement. For example, professional athlete, musical performer or fashion model etc.
~ you are actively involved (as an individual or as a part of a group) alongside aforementioned individuals, such as their manager or make-up artists.
~ you are invited to give a lecture under a contract which guarantees profit.
~ you are seeking engagement in the field of research or technical training. For example, scientist involved in the research of natural science or development of higher technology or individuals offering expertise of the natural science or the technique of special field of industry in the public or private corporation.
~ you are employed through contract with public or Private Corporation or you are dispatched under contracts that are provided with compensation such as the cost of living.
~ you intend to work in the Information Technology sector of a Korean company (IT),E-Business such as e-commerce, Biotechnology(BT), Nanotechnology (NT), Advanced Materials Industry (metallurgy, ceramics, chemistry), Transportation Machinery, Digital Electronics and Environment․Energy, or technology management etc.
~ you are a Language Instructor at an English Camp for 90 days or less.
Documents Required
- An application form
- Valid Passport
- Application fee
- An employment contract
- Documents related to the establishment of the company (A certificate of business registration, a certified copy of corporate registration)
- A recommendation letter (depending on the occupation)
Additional Documents
You may be requested to provide additional documents in order to examine the
purpose of your entry, the genuineness of the invitation, qualifications of the inviter and
invitee etc. Keep in mind that the exact application requirements depend on the visa type you are applying for.
~ additional documents for a Language Instructor at an English Camp:
- Diploma (with Apostille attached)
- Criminal Record check
- A registration certificate as a lifelong-education institution or a document proving declaration or designation of the lifelong-education institution
- The schedule of the English camp (mark the part that are relevant to the applicant)
~ additional documents for employment through contract with public or Private Corporation or those who intend to work in the Information Technology sector:
- A copy of your service contract
- Dispatch order or a proof of overseas assignment
~ additional documents for artists, performers, fashion models, athletes etc. who plan to perform or engage in entertainment activities:
- A recommendation letter from the Korea Media Rating Board
- Performance Outline or schedule
- Invitation card or attendance confirmation issued by the host institution
- A certificate proving your qualification or work experiences
for athletes, coaches, judges: A recommendation letter from respective athletic clubs (associations)
for advertisement/fashion models:A recommendation letter from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism
~ additional documents for individuals who are invited to give lectures and/or researches at an academic institution:
- An invitation card that indicates lecture schedule, fees, etc.
- A copy of the applicant’s university degree/diploma or a proof of employment.
Maximum Length Of Stay
The maximum length of stay on a C-4 visa is 90 days.
Extension Of Stay
Please note that from Aug. 20, 2010, C-4 visa allows 90 days of period of sojourn. It is not possible to stay for more than 90 days. However, the head of an Immigration (Branch) Office may allow extension of stay for departure only if there is no vessel to use to leave Korea, or there are unavoidable circumstances. So if you NEED an extension, contact your nearest Korean immigration office.
Change Or Addition Of Workplace
The head of an Immigration (Branch) Office is entrusted to give permission for change/addition of workplace at his/her discretion.
For more details about the change of work place, extension of stay on a C-4 visa or any other questions related to the C-4 visa please contact your nearest Korean immigration office or a Korean Consulate.