5 advices to help you with your job search in Korea
Although South Korea seems to attract more and more foreigners every year, finding a job there is not as easy as you might think. Unless you came here to try your luck at becoming an english teacher or have a lot of degrees, you must be ready to face several difficulties. Here are some advices to help you coping with the problems you will have to face, and to help you with your job search in Korea.
1. Learn Korean language !
Speaking Korean is not only handy in everyday life when you want to buy some stuffs at a convenient store or order food in a restaurant, it’s also a must when you’re looking for a job. Most Korean people don’t speak english fluently so you might encounter some difficulties when you have a meeting with your potential boss or to send your resume.
2. Internet is your friend
Every research starts with the Internet. There are several websites gathering a lot of job offers all around Korea so you can begin your job looking hunt on the websites below :
http://www.jobkorea.co.kr (Korean language only)
http://www.saramin.co.kr/zf_user/ (Korean language only)
Don’t hesitate and post other website links on the comments of this article
3. Your friends could be your guardian angels
If you have some friends or acquaintances living and working in Korea, they might be your best chance to find a job easily. Korea works like any other country, it’s easier to find a job by word of mouth. But don’t rely on your friends too much! They will probably only be able to introduce you to their boss or other people, but you have to have the skills required to do the job they could find for you all the same.
4. Guesthouses can be useful
Among all the different kinds of housing you can find in Korea, guesthouses are the most popular among travelers and students who have a low budget. Not only they offer cheap accommodation, some of them always need staff members. Even though every guesthouses is managed differently, the least you can expect from them is a free accommodation, which can be very useful if you want to save your money.
5. Areas with a lot of foreigners are places to be
Although it might be difficult to find a job in a good Korean company without the right degree, it should be easier when the businesses are run by foreigners. The right place in Seoul would be Itaewon. With all the different bars, restaurants and shops run by (or for) the foreigners there you should be able to find a part-time job faster than any other area in Seoul.
If you have any suggestion, let us know in the comment section below!