Where can you get 300 KRW Sushi in South Korea?
There is no other place where you can find 300 KRW sushi anywhere in the world that I know of at least. Let’s just say that there is no place where you can get such delicious sushi for 30 cents in South Korea except for this place I found. As a sushi lover, I had to go and try it. This restaurant is called ‘Spinfood Dolgo’, and it got pretty famous after it was aired in some of the famous TV shows for their specialty in Sushi. So, what exactly is this 300 KRW sushi?
So, here is the deal. It is actually a semi-buffet for Korean food and sushi. You would need to get a basic buffet for 7,000 KRW or 9,900 KRW as an adult, and the price depending on what time and what day you go. You would get a table full of delicious standard Korean food including Korean style pan-fried tofu (두부조림), japchae (잡채), soup, etc. in addition to the fact that you can get unlimited side dishes. Aside from the buffet fee you pay, you do need to pay for sushi per plate. However, the key is that you can get sushi for 30 cents per plate.
As for the price of the buffet, they have different prices depending on your age. I would say it is fair to have different prices depending on your age because I think that I can definitely handle eating more food than a 7 year old kid. But, it is interesting how the price range is divided. I am not really sure why they divided the range in such a way. It seems to me that anyone between the age older than 14 can eat pretty much the same amount of food according to the price range.
Here is how the prices vary:
Weekdays for lunch
36months-7 years old: 2,000 KRW
1st grade Elementary: 3,000 KRW
2nd grade Elementary: 3,000 KRW
3rd grade Elementary: 3,000 KRW
4th grade Elementary: 4,000 KRW
5th grade Elementary: 5,000 KRW
6th grade Elementary: 6,000 KRW
Adults: 7,000 KRW
Weekdays for dinner, holidays, and weekends
36months-7 years old: 3,000 KRW
1st grade Elementary: 4,000 KRW
2nd grade Elementary: 4,000 KRW
3rd grade Elementary: 4,000 KRW
4th grade Elementary: 5,000 KRW
5th grade Elementary: 6,000 KRW
6th grade Elementary: 7,000 KRW
Adults: 9,900 KRW
The place is not as big as I imagined it to be even though it is a buffet restaurant. But, if you need a place where you can try Korean food as well as sushi for an economical price, I highly recommend you to go for the quality and the price! In addition to the buffet, I could eat my favorite salmon for 30 cents! It was so difficult to choose from because they have almost 30 different types of sushi. When I went for dinner once, I ate 10 plates of sushi, and the total came out to be about 13,000 KRW. Normally, it is at least 1,500-2,000 KRW for a plate of sushi at a typical sushi restaurant. It was so worth eating how much sushi I ate for $13. I was surprised with the quality of sushi for the price I paid.
It is located in Deungchon-dong (등촌동), which is closer to the western side of Han River. Even though it is not necessarily in the central area of Seoul, it is definitely worth going. It is within walking distance from YangcheonHyanggyo subway station on subway line 9, which is a few stations away from Gimpo International Airport. So… are you ready to stuff some sushi in your face?